How it works

Bookpack Library sustains itself due to the contributions from organizations, companies, publishers, and above all, from volunteers from the entire community.

A specialized team from Education organizes the donated education materials according to the specific needs of each recipient, taking into account the different profiles that build the reality of the rural classroom, as well as the weight of each backpack.

A local action plan is then enacted, which defines the organizational epicenters and distribution of children’s backpacks.

In each epicenter, e.dúcate provides the equipment and software required to manage the library. This allows the real-time observation of reading activities, preferences, and the book rotations of participating schools.

Because the teachers are empowered to manage these resources, they become the main mediators and enablers of this experience, and can leverage the knowledge of and relationship with each student in order to do the most good.

Along with them, the parent’s role is fundamental, who join in taking care of the library. They are directly involved, participating in the care and enjoyment of these books in at home.
All of this generates a culture of action and collective achievement, transforming the public good into a concern of all.

Each community’s local management builds an ecosystem from its own resources which in turn makes possible an interconnected network for material access. This overcomes isolation and provides tools that will accompany children whose families move for seasonal jobs.

Bookpack Library promotes the development of local leadership and community progress. It is a project that requires urgent commitment and continuous improvement through action.

The bookpack library foundation educate infographics of how it works